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Why Aging is Beautiful (The Benefits of Aging Gracefully)

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Aging is a beautiful gift of life that not everyone gets to experience, yet so many of us fear it. As each year passes we hyper-focus on the lines on our faces and changes to our appearance, but why?

Most women are inundated with the message that a fresh, youthful face is more valuable than an aging one. Aging is commonly associated with a negative connotation that tries to devalue a woman's presence and relevance in society. Those that are wise enough can see through the veil of deception and clever marketing, but unfortunately, as much as we try to ignore it, it can still take a toll on how we feel about ourselves and our life's journey.

I want to offer a different perspective.

Aging has many beautiful aspects that can enrich our lives. The woman in the mirror may have a few lines on her face, but does that make her any less beautiful? I think not. We are wiser and stronger. We are kinder and more compassionate. We know ourselves, and the beauty that exudes from within is the most beautiful of all.

Women are beautiful at every age and stage in life and I want you to hear from other women about their journeys with aging. Each one offers a fresh perspective on the benefits they have embraced with each passing year. I have collaborated with some amazing women, and I hope you enjoy their message. As well as connect with them further on their wellness websites.

So without further ado, let's hear what these fantastic women have to say about,

Why Aging is Beautiful, The Benefits of Aging Gracefully

Embracing Authenticity

by, Jessica Rose, founder of Jessica Rose Wellness 

jessica rose wellness

As a woman in my forties, I stand firm in the lessons life has taught me. I wouldn't trade one moment just to erase a silly expression line or sun spot. The awakening to my true self has been a beautiful journey that could have only come with the passing of years.

I believe women are beautiful at every age, and honoring our changing bodies is essential for a balanced and happy life. The wisdom that age brings is something to be cherished and honored. Each year that passes, I feel smarter, happier, radiant, and wiser. Each twist and turn has gotten me to where I am today. I take the good and the bad and allow them to anchor me firmly in my strength to fulfill my life purpose.

Knowing ourselves is incredibly beautiful and sexy, which comes with age. When we are confident in who we are, we exude a gorgeous glow from within that lets others know it's okay to be authentically ourselves regardless of our age.

Thank you to all the smart, beautiful, and wise women who contributed to my article. Your wisdom will help many women honor each stage of this beautiful journey.

Holistic beauty guide for aging gracefully Jessica Rose Wellness

Self Acceptance

by Jodie, founder of Jodie's Touch of Style. "Ageless Style."

You have to wonder when aging became a bad word. Because when I visit museums and see the revered women of the Native American people, the older women were exalted and looked up to. Personally, I believe most of us realize that aging is a blessing that not everyone gets to enjoy. And yet it's hard not to succumb to societal pressures that denounce the physical attributes of each passing birthday.

That's why I think we need to promote the positive light of aging more instead of pushing it under the rug.

The experiences and confidences we have achieved in our lifetime are to be celebrated and admired. For me, it starts as an inside job. Recognizing that the changes to my body are not to be punished. We are beautiful because of our actions, our friendships, and even because of our wrinkles. Changing our mindset is the most important thing we can do, and it all starts with us.

Learn more about Jodie and her mission: HERE

and follow her Instagram account @jtouchofstyle

Cherishing All Stages of Life

by Olga Reding, founder of Olga's Organics

When I was 15 years of age, I was in a car accident, which unfortunately took the life of my biological father, Oleg, who was only 34 years of age at that time. I was in a coma for two days and had a severe concussion, as well as a broken elbow and multiple scars on my face. When I think back at that event in my life, I know I survived that devastating day to be able to experience life fully despite the devastation and grief.

Through the stages of my life, from my teenage years to young adulthood as an immigrant in the United States, to further adulthood, when I met my husband, I realized living my life from the day of my accident forward has been an incredible privilege. I am privileged to be on this earth and to age as the time goes by.

I could have been a 15 year old that left this earth. Instead, I am now a 37 year old woman that is a mom to two incredible boys, wife to a partner in life for 13 years, and I cannot wait for what's to come as I grow older to hopefully one day become a grandmother.

I believe we are created in the image of God, and we are beautiful the way we are through all the stages of life. Despite our cultural pressures to continue to look young at all times, I feel empowered to age gracefully and allow myself to look older. I wish we could be more encouraging of this mindset as a society. Aging is a part of life, and how beautiful it is that you get to live another day and celebrate another birthday. Cheers to all the women that are not afraid to age and embrace this very important aspect of life.

Learn more about Olga and her mission: HERE

and follow her Instagram account @olgasorganics

healthy skin guide jessica rose wellness


by Vanessa, host of the Intentionally Well Podcast

When we think about a woman aging, our minds are usually directed toward her outer physical appearance due to the way we've been collectively conditioned. We think wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin, or loss of collagen, and we think of lack or loss, and we hyper-focus on what she's missing. Our culture has excelled in keeping us stuck here when the reality is she possesses infinitely so much more.

Of course, a woman in her mid or later years shows physical signs of "change" due to simple biology. But because we've trained ourselves to look at this process with a pessimistic eye, we typically miss the sweeter parts of this woman and what she has to offer the world. She now abundantly reflects the wisdom that her younger self didn't carry. She's no less feminine but now exudes an elevated level of confidence due to her long list of experiences. Her trials and sufferings have sculpted her, and her earned gift of emotional intelligence is palpable. She is more grounded and makes no apologies for how she's messily evolved. She doesn't lose sleep over a laugh line because it's proof of life, and why on earth would she want to dismiss that?

She is certain that a monumental part of graceful aging is living with a grateful heart and that gratitude is best displayed on her face, not hidden or erased.

Learn more about Vanessa and her mission: HERE

and follow her Instagram account @thegiftofgoods

The Psychological Aspect

In the past decades, science made tremendous advances in the field of anti-aging. In addition to a range of healthy lifestyle choices, somewhat natural therapies such as NAD+ and stem cells are also now available. Yet aside from the availability of such medical interventions, we have in the 21st century, the psychological aspect is something I find inherently enjoyable about aging.

Social intelligence and emotional intelligence, what we call wisdom, grow with the passage of years. Research shows that while fluid intelligence peaks in our 20s and 30s, a healthy lifestyle and continuous mental activity can keep the brain sharp, allowing not only the crystallized intelligence to continue growing, but also the fluid intelligence to stay in top shape. A couple of excellent options available at any age to keep the cognitive function young are to learn dancing or a new language, something we actually have more time for later in life. Moreover, better sense and appreciation of self acquired with age generally make people later in life happier and satisfied with who they are than they were at a younger age.

I personally fully agree with the cliche that the '40s are the new 20s' and the 50s are the new 30s'. We hear more and more about people in intellectually stimulating occupational fields, such as science and medicine, working past 100 years of age. And I suggest replacing the mental beacon of "age gracefully" with "stay young longer".

Learn more about Elena and her mission: HERE

and her @antiaging4everyone Instagram account

Self Love and Self Care

by Michele, founder of Well Women Network

When I look at myself in the mirror these days, I can honestly say that I love myself more now at 58 than when I was 28. Each decade has brought me more and more clarity of who I am, the strengths I possess, and the fulfillment I want in my life. When I was younger it was all about being the good daughter, then the good wife, then the good mother and nowadays, it is all about being just me. I’ve been in each of those roles, and I did them honorably, but age brings about a grace that I have with myself that I never had when I was younger. I now give myself the space and grace to be just me on any given day. Some Days it’s about being the medical provider, some days, it’s about being the caretaker, some days, it’s about being the nanny, but every day I just bring the best version of myself in that moment. I’m learning to enjoy the moments and not the 3,5-, or 10-year goal plans. Learning to love myself more and more has allowed me to focus so much more on my self-care and my needs instead of everyone else’s. Self-love and self-care are both never ending journey’s for me and I look forward to another several decades to grow even more into both of those

Learn more about Michele and her mission: HERE

and follow her Instagram account @womenswellnessnetwork


by Susie, founder of Umbel Organics

As I get older, I look at every day as a chance to improve who I am as a person. I started a business from scratch in my 40s, and I'm surprised at my immense passion and capability to learn new things. I also feel like I have a kinder, more mature, and empathetic approach to how I deal with the stumbling blocks that come my way. To be honest, not every aspect of aging is an utter joy, but I'm proud of my strength, curiosity, and determination.

Learn more about Susie and her mission: HERE

and follow her Instagram account @umbelorganics

Beauty & Wisdom

by the Spa Skin and Beauty sisters, Lindsey Holder and Ashley Renken

Being in our 40s has redefined what beauty means to us. As we are going through the aging process, we are empowering ourselves and others through knowledge about taking care of our skin and our bodies. We love to share what products and devices actually work and improve our skin to become our best version of ourselves. It was important to us to share our knowledge of being in this skincare industry for over 13 years, helping other women go through their beauty challenges. It is an honor to serve our audience, and it is our passion to offer new information weekly on our Spa Skin and Beauty podcast.

I hope you enjoy my holistic beauty blog and that it inspires you to create a healthier lifestyle you love.

Cheers to holistic beauty and wellness!

In health and beauty,

Jessica Rose

author jessica rose jessica rose wellness

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Jessica Rose Wellness

Listen to podcasts that I've been interviewed on.

Spa Skin and Beauty Podcast:

Well Women Healthy Lifestyle Podcast:

Intentionally Well Podcast:

Feel Good NAKD Podcast:

Go Play in the Dirt Podcast:

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